A blog filled with love between Mela and Ambar, Fira and Adam, Ambar with Fira, Ambar with Adam, Mela with Fira, Mela with Adam and the rest of their world.

Saturday, February 24, 2007


Adam membuka dompet Umak yang diletakkan di atas kasur Hotel.
Melihat foto Ebak di dalamnya.
Menaruh jarinya di atas foto itu, kelihatan seperti menuliskan sesuatu.

Aku melihatnya dari kejauhan.

Seperti menggambar bentuk hati di sekitar gambar wajah Ebaknya dengan jarinya dilanjutkan dengan gerakan menuliskan sesuatu.

Kutanya, "Nulis apa, sayang?"
Dijawabnya pelan, "Bikin heart shape, Mak."
Lalu kutanya lagi, "Terus habis gambar, Adek nulis apa?" "I love you, ya?"
"Bukan," gelengnya. "Adek nulis I miss you."


Thursday, February 15, 2007

It's nice to have you here..

Dalam 1 minggu terakhir ini, itulah kata2 yang selalu aku ucapkan padamu..
Setiap saat..
Dan itu benar2 apa yang aku rasa..

It's nice..really nice to have you here :)

It's nice to lay my head on your hand and smell the strong scent of your cigarette..
It's nice to wake up in the morning and open my eyes to see your sleepy face beside me..
It's nice to see you holding hands with our daughter and walk side by side with her in the mall like father and daughter should be..
It's nice to hear you and our son's laugh when he play football with you..

It's nice to have you here, Baby..

And when you have to go next week..
I'll be waiting for you to come back..
and make me alive again..

Like now :)

Sunday, February 04, 2007

2 More Days

Sebelah kakiku sudah di ferry menuju Singapore
Sebelah kakimu sudah di pesawat menuju Beijing


Aku super duper whooper excited sampai tidak bisa berhenti nyengir.


Aku ingin malam segera berganti pagi...
Biar kucepat berjumpa denganmu..
Sebab kutahu pasti, hanyalah dirimu..
Yang mampu menghapus..seluruh rinduku...

Tuh kan, gue cengar cengir lagi